26 July 2008

a questionnaire of sorts...(from other blogs, so i'm not gettin' credit)

what were you doing 10 years ago?

oh my...i was 20. it was the summer after my sophomore year in college. i was in love. i lived at home for the last time. i worked in a factory, cleaning, made good money. i was getting ready to move into my first HOUSE. i was totally and completely alive.

what are 5 things on your to-do list?
  1. get a haircut
  2. try to keep my haircut appointment a secret from my husband, who opposes me cutting my hair.
  3. clean
  4. clean
  5. clean

things i would do if i was a billionaire:

pay off my debt. pay off my parents' debt. move my grandparents into snazzy assisted living. buy a house in the outer banks. hire a trainer. hire a housekeeper. travel a lot. hire a babysitter to take with us when we travel. sell my house. get weekly pedicures.

5 places i have lived:

only 5? sao paulo, brazil; virginia beach; bloomington, IN; farmington hills, MI; south bend, IN...and so on!

3 of my bad habits:

biting my cuticles (so ugly), yelling, saying "cool" a lot -- i swear i am not 17.

5 jobs i've had:

(the more entertaining ones)

  • cleaning lady at an auto-parts factory
  • hostess at applebees
  • fruit stand attendant
  • assistant teacher for a kindergarten classroom
  • librarian at a summer camp

how did you name your blog?

it is who i is. my husband calls me indiana when i get all midwest on him, and here i am in baltimore.

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