11 March 2011

a re-do questionairre

i believe in re-do's. also, i'm pretty different than i was in 2008 when i started this blog, abandoned it, and then rediscovered it. so i'll allow myself a re-do on my very first post....

what were you doing 10 years ago?

23 years old seems like a long time ago. in about a month i would meet my now-husband, my magic man. that rocked my world, for sure. surprise, not what you're looking for! i was in my 2nd semester of graduate school, living on my own for the first time, very independent and aware of that independence.

what are 5 things on your to-do list?
  1. try to stay awake for a movie tonight...TRY being the optimal word there.
  2. change the sheets
  3. make something with the meyer lemons in the fridge
  4. clean (some things just don't change)
  5. moisturize

things i would do if i was a billionaire:

same answer, but i'd add "donate" to this list: pay off my debt. pay off my parents' debt. move my grandparents into snazzy assisted living. buy a house in the outer banks. hire a trainer. hire a housekeeper. travel a lot. hire a babysitter to take with us when we travel. sell my house. get weekly pedicures.

5 places i have lived:

ok, 5 more: baltimore, MD; cleveland, OH; fort wayne, IN; owings mills, MD; chicago area

only 5? sao paulo, brazil; virginia beach; bloomington, IN; farmington hills, MI; south bend, IN...and so on!

3 of my bad habits:

geesh, maybe i'm not so different! i also say "yeah" a lot.

biting my cuticles (so ugly), yelling, saying "cool" a lot -- i swear i am not 17.

5 jobs i've had:

(the more entertaining ones)

  • cleaning lady at an auto-parts factory
  • hostess at applebees
  • fruit stand attendant
  • assistant teacher for a kindergarten classroom
  • librarian at a summer camp

how did you name your blog?

it is who i is. my husband calls me indiana when i get all midwest on him, and here i am in baltimore.

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