06 March 2011

it's my party and i'll....

XX is an odd age -- not an age ending in zero, not one ending in a five. that's me -- my birthday was yesterday. my magic man did everything in his power to make it am amazing day and i did feel awesome...i still feel awesome. homemade truffles, sleeping in, breakfast in bed, an evening out w/out the animals, i mean, kids.

that said, i'm still XX years old and it's a nasty thing to face. my friends now talk about having to dye their hair b/c they see too much gray. my friends USED to talk about wanting to dye their hair with manic panic but their moms got mad about streaking the shower doors with the bold colors. it's crazy. one minute i feel so mature and got-it-together, the next i feel as out of control (good and bad) as i did when i was 22.

all in all, i'm glad i'm XX. there is always a chance the next birthday won't come, and god knows that i know that. i'm grateful for every one i have.

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