30 July 2011

beach returns

the months of anticipation, the weeks of preparation, the hours of travel (11.5 to be exact...that's to get there. 7 to get back. go figure.)...we've been and returned to the beach, AGAIN! every year we go with my family and my soulmate/bestfriend/sister (& her husband, when he can) to the outer banks of north carolina. where we do...nothing. and we do it well!

it is awesome to compare photos over the years. in an earlier post i put up most of the previous years group photos and we've grown, enlarged, matured, changed. so it goes.

my dear friend had a baby this week. her fourth. wow. i know that my three are overwhelming (in a good way, of course) but 4 seems like SO MAAAAAANY. i held that one day old and felt the twinges. so round and beautiful with his little old-man forehead and pursed lips. not to say i wasn't happy to return home and get a full nights sleep, but darn it if he didn't make me think.

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