05 September 2011

mamas come back

when my oldest was a wee toddler with a little jew fro, her teacher used to sing a catchy little tune at drop-off -- something about mommies always come back. this has always bothered me because, as we all know, mommies don't always come back. illness, circumstance, etc. -- thankfully, that reality isn't mine, but to promise something that isn't true is just not right.

HOWEVER, i went away this weekend, and i came back, which was good good good. i went to new york city (NEW YORK CITY!!!) and i love it, as always. my beautiful, generous, adventurous, magnificently intelligent friend xandy opens her home to me a few times every year. she lives in Manhattan, fulfilling her dreams of very-high higher education. here's what happens when i come: we spend about 36 hours walking, talking, eating, walking, talking, eating, sleeping, and then some more walking, talking, eating. she always takes me somewhere awesome (highline park, all over central park, grant's tomb, chelsea market) and always listens to my craziness, and always makes me feel welcome, and always tells me it's ok that i talk about my kids so much. she's a good friend, that xandy.

so i went away, my gorgeous husband held down the fort for 2 days, and i returned. my big girl is a first grader tomorrow, the hurricane came and went, power restored and 11 loads of laundry done, and summer is unofficially over now that labor day has passed. bring it, fall.

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